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Other Tags: #madeenah.con #teamtaahirwyaat #shadeed muhammad #fatwaoffline #halabi #maribi #shaytan #coup #from a movie #humāq #qawl al-zūr #geddy #maruf #taahir farooq #ahmad geddy #maruf kedir #micheal wilson #we pay the rent #carpet stealers #van late #yerbol kermiov #no manhaj #cowardice #lying

Shaykh ʿubayd Al-Jābirī Advises the Toronto Community Concerning the Madeenah.Con Takeover Team


Added on 02 May 2019

For full background information on the 2011 madeenah.con coup attempt of TROID in Toronto, Canada, and the soap-opera like shenanigans of those involved:

Audio and translation taken from:

Who from the Scholars and Du'aat Are Supporting this Treachery and Corruption in Toronto? http://www.salafitalk.com/threads/303

TROID Failed Overthrow Dissidents and Madeenah.com http://www.troid.ca/index.php/forums/14-general-discussion/2069-troid-failed-overthrow-dissidents-and-madeenah-com?limitstart=0